Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Andrew: three months

Andrew is our happy-go-lucky little man! He loves to kick his feet and put his hands in his mouth. With quite a bit of drool, we think he's probably teething! No sign of any little white teeth popping through just yet though. He spits up quite a bit, but is a "happy spitter". Well, as long as I remember to give him his gas drops after each feeding! He's kicking up his feet and rolling onto his side now. Some mornings I find him all turned around in his crib. During tummy time he can lift his head up pretty well, but still doesn't really like it much. Andy weighs about 15 1/2 lbs and fits in size 9-12mo. clothes! We moved him into size 3 diapers since the twos weren't keeping everything in! His hair is getting longer, but thiner. Quite a bit has fallen out lately. He has slept through the night several times, which makes mommy very happy. He still only likes his pacifier when he's sleepy. He doesn't like his arm to be swaddled anymore, so he sleeps in his zip up sleep sack. Toys are starting to become interesting and he loves to stare and bat at them. Occasionally he'll get a hold of one too! He is happy being held by anyone but does prefer mommy when hungry :)

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