Friday, August 2, 2013

Andrew: 10 months

Andrew has been working on more teeth! He has had 2 come through making a total of 4 (he now has the 2 on top and the 2 on bottom). Drool, drool, drool! And a little bit of discomfort with it all. He wanted to be held, especially by mommy, this month a lot more than normal. But he stayed busy. He's loving to climb up the stairs. He has no clue about coming down though yet. So, we've put up the baby gate! He has figured out that he can hold onto a toy with his mouth while crawling around and gets around really quickly! He can pull up and cruise around the furniture too. Every once in a while he lets go and can stand for a minute on his own. He seems too busy to stop for diapering or changing clothes and always tries to roll away. He has started waving hello and goodbye, playing peek-a-boo, and clapping his hands. One of his favorite songs is patty cake. He also loves 5 little monkeys, 5 little ducks, I am a child of God, and sunbeams. He loves to eat! Especially when he can feed himself. He likes little finger foods like cheerios, puffs, shredded cheese, ritz crackers, bananas, and toast. He still loves to crawl around and explore, but some of his favorite toys are: cell phones and remotes, duplo blocks, play food, balls, blocks, stacking rings, and things that rattle. He still doesn't mind riding in the car or stroller when we go out. Probably because he has an older brother and sister to entertain him! He likes to jabber sounds and try to talk to us. He says things like bababa, nanana, mamama, etc. He loves to be outside! On hot days we'll play in the little pool or water table to cool down. He loves to play with everyone's shoes, especially Lucy's pink sandals (which she hates). He is still on the same sleeping schedule and it makes mommy so happy when he gets good naps and a good night's sleep!

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