Sunday, April 21, 2013


After about 4 Easter egg hunts we were weighed down by the amount of candy in our house. Lucy and Emery traded most of it for a new toy. Emery picked a remote control truck and Lucy picked Tinkerbell shoes. She just loves to dress up!
Andy loves to grab at anything close, and one day even got Dad's cereal! Oops! Andy has been loving trying to sit up and can do it now by himself! But, only for a little while so we have to have pillows handy or hands to catch him! It finally seems spring has arrived with all our backyard trees getting bright green leaves. The only downside would be the extreme pollen count which has gotten to 4700! Julie's allergies are quite a trial.
Bedtime do not always go smooth around here. One night, Emery decided he would rather sleep somewhere other than his bed. Downstairs? No. Mommy's bed? No. Trampoline? No. Floor? Ok. So he did. Silly kid.
And we are still trying to cut back on our TV watching for the kids. One afternoon Emery picked up the Book of Mormon and began reading it to Lucy. I guess you just never know what good things will happen with the TV off! And Lucy found herself a hymnal and serenaded us with all her favorite songs. Never a dull moment at the Neff house!

1 comment:

  1. Could the kids get any cuter?! When did you cut Andy's hair? He is such a doll, and what good helpers you have in Emery and Lucy!
