Friday, May 31, 2013

May photos

This month has been busy and full of fun! We started it off with Joel's 32nd birthday. He got a fancy sweet potato cake from Brick Street Cafe in Greenville, some shirts, and books. We also did some strawberry picking. I was up to my elbows making jam, fruit roll-ups, icecream, and freezing them to enjoy all year! We love this family tradition, but maybe next year I'll remember to let Joel do the picking so I won't break out in hives again :(
For Mother's day I was spoiled with a gift certificate for a pedicure and roses. The kids gave me a special Mother's day mess in my bedroom. Little rugrats!
It started warming up and we got out the little pool in the backyard for the kids to cool off. They love to put our little slide in and make big splashes! Emery finished up baseball with a team party at "Celebration". He had a fun time and made some real improvement by the end of the season! He would hit pretty consistently without needing to use the tee. He seems excited to do it again next year. Andy gets better and better at sitting up without tipping over and began crawling! Watch out; now I need to baby proof the house!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome month!! Those strawberries look delicious! How did Emery's baseball team do? Andy is so cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing!
