Sunday, March 3, 2013

Andrew: five months

Andrew is five months old. He is becoming more aware of things and people around him. He looks up at people walking by and reaches for toys. He loves songs, and looking at books. He loves to laugh and smile, especially when Emery and Lucy play with him. He is wearing size 12 month clothes and is still growing every day! His schedule is waking up at 8am and napping at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm. He nurses at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, and 7pm. His naps are still very short, around 30-40 minutes. But he is happy and it seems to be enough most days. He goes to sleep right after his last feeding around 7:30-8pm and sleeps through the night. We did have some difficulty with making the transition for daylight savings time, but hopefully he'll adjust in a few days. He had his first taste of solid foods, sweet potatoes! And he loved it. I thought he'd only want a teaspoon or two, but he ate half the container! Andrew is 99% done with the pacifier. The only time we use it is to calm him down enough to nap while we are at church Sunday mornings. Usually he just sucks on his fingers or cries for a minute before falling asleep at home in his crib. He can hold his head up very well and loves to sit, with help. But, he's not quite able to sit up by himself yet. He's a big guy and has a lot of weight to gain control of :) Andrew loves to be outside, just like his big brother and sister. Luckily it's started to warm up in the 60's a few days and we could sit outside and enjoy the sun and breeze. He is a very good tempered baby and we feel so lucky to have him in our family!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I didn't notice that you updated! Sorry it took me so long.

    What a cute little guy! Or big guy...? He is sooo cute! It's hard to believe he is 5 months already, but I guess that is just what happens. He's adorable!
